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MetroED Press Release: Grand Opening-Ribbon Cutting to Celebrate new Electrical Vehicles & Nursing Careers programs, sponsored by County Supervisor Joe Simitian


Interview/Film Opportunity


October 16, 2023


Grand Opening-Ribbon Cutting to Celebrate new Electrical Vehicles &
Nursing Careers programs, sponsored by County Supervisor Joe Simitian



WHAT: Grand Opening-Ribbon Cutting Celebration for two new programs: Electrical Vehicles and Nursing Careers, sponsored by Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian. Attendees will tour Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) center’s state-of-the-art programs to see equipment firsthand. 


BACKGROUND: Metropolitan Education District (MetroED) is a regional provider of Career Technical Education (CTE). It is the largest career-oriented education organization in Santa Clara County for high school and adult students, operating Silicon Valley Adult Education and Silicon Valley CTE Center, formerly known as Central County Occupational Center (CCOC).


SVCTE provides 25 high-quality free CTE programs80 percent of which are University California “a-g” approvedto students from more than 45 high schools.  Through the programs students don’t just operate in hands-on environments using industry equipment but they also earn college credits and certifications, and some even have internships, all of which prepares individuals to meet the demands of the job market in Silicon Valley. These important credentials are evidence of the students’ qualifications and make them more competitive in the job market.


WHEN: Friday, Oct. 27, 2023

9:30 a.m.

Please RSVP for the event


WHERE: Metropolitan Education District (MetroED)

760 Hillsdale Avenue

San Jose, Calif. 95136 


WHO: Legislators, including Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian, Assemblymember Alex

Lee, and San Jose District 10 Councilmember Arjun Batra; Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mary Ann Dewan; School board members, including Jim Canova from Santa Clara Unified School District, Linda Goytia from MetroED and Campbell Union High School District, and Brian Wheatley from MetroED and San Jose Unified School District; Industry leaders from Tesla and DGDG; Community leaders from the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, Silicon Valley Education Foundation, and work2future.  


CONTACT: Shannon Carr, Communications Coordinator

(408) 723-4229 


About Metropolitan Education District: MetroED is a regional provider of Career Technical Education (CTE) and Adult Education. We are the largest career-oriented education organization in Northern California for high school and adult students. Annually, MetroED provides 2,600 diverse students with the skills to help them be productive, income-earning and tax-paying contributors to Silicon Valley. Register for a free campus tour or get more information at

