August 2022 CTE Newsletter



August 31, 2022

CTE Newsletter Vol. 9 Issue 1

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Superintendent's Message



I would like to welcome everyone to the 2022-23 school year and extend a special welcome to all our new students and their families. The opening of the new school year was very smooth.


On August 9, we had over 1250 SVCTE students and 400 SVAE students return to our campus. As I visited classrooms, students were energetic, engaged, and eager to participate in hands-on, life-changing activities.


I am thrilled to announce that we have a new principal at Silicon Valley CTE: Jeff Arnett. Jeff is a seasoned administrator with significant strengths in working with students and parents. We also have a new assistant principal at Silicon Valley Adult Education: Lars Guntvedt. Lars brings several years of teaching adult education students.


In this newsletter, you will find information about our high school and adult education programs, Teacher of the Year, 2022 Summer Career Exploration program, recognition of staff, and information on our upcoming events! 


Stay safe and well,

Alyssa Lynch



Exciting News

Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors Funds Development of New Classes


The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved a one-time grant to MetroED to establish two new Career Technical Education (CTE) programs — one to support the growing demand for health care workers in Santa Clara County and another to address the growing demand for service in the electric vehicle market.


With this County support, MetroED will develop a new nursing science program focused on preparing students to work in long-term care facilities, hospitals, home health, and other patient care facilities. MetroED will also move forward with the conversion of an existing traditional automotive services program into one focused on electric vehicles – a program designed to prepare future automotive technicians to work on both types of vehicles. Pictured above are County Supervisor Joe Simitian and MetroED Governing Board Clerk Chris NorwoodClick here to read more. 

Students In Action

In Automotive Services


Our students are already learning how to test batteries in the first weeks of school. Griffin Gierke from Del Mar High School in the Campbell Union High School District and Lizet Ayala from Apollo High School in the East Side Union High School District is pictured.

In Dental Assisting


SVCTE students are learning how to floss, brush teeth and how dental equipment is being used. Giovanni Ferrell from Los Gatos High School in the Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District is pictured.

English as a Second Language (ESL)


SVAE students are already diving into their ESL advanced classes. Classes assist students in language acquisition by developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. We strive to make each person successful in a global society. Click here to learn more.

MetroED News and Highlights

Bill Collins 

MetroED 2022 Teacher of the Year


Bill Collins is MetroED’s 2022 Teacher of the Year. Bill’s devotion and passion for student achievement are evident as he works with his students individually to create a plan for their success. He has been teaching High School Diploma courses since 2019; he also gives his time to teach during the summer.


Bill will be honored at the 2022 Santa Clara County Teacher Recognition Celebration on Monday, October 24.

Leland High School Student Brings Home Second Place Medal


Congratulations to SVCTE Dental Assisting and Leland High School student Bella Johnson from San Jose Unified School District on winning the silver medal in Dental Assisting at the SkillsUSA National Competition in Kentucky, June 20-24.


The Dental Assisting portion of the competition consisted of both a hands-on and written exam. The testing stations included taking impressions, identifying dental tools, x-rays, and chairside assistance. She displayed a wide range of dental terminology and knowledge for the written exam.

Three SVCTE Teachers Participate in Ignite Program


Three SVCTE teachers participated in the Ignited Summer Fellowship Program.


Meta hosted Helena Polanco and Jon Furtado, and Johnny Paul Vera was at Silicon Valley Bank. The primary goal of this professional growth program is to gain insight into research labs and corporate workplaces and used to be the experience to create a meaningful curriculum for our students. Teachers can experience first-hand the practical applications of the subjects taught, infusing the curriculum with real-world connections to further engage students in 21st Century employability skills and careers. The fellowship provides them with new and exciting ideas to better prepare our students for college and career readiness. Fantastic work, team!

CTE Summer Exploration Success


Over 85 9th-12th graders explored and learned about career technical education opportunities this past June! Students rotated through four fun and interactive STEAM topics while "learning by doing." 


The 4-weeks of "Career Exploration" provided 10 elective credits. Classes included Medical AssistingDental AssistingPharmacy Technician, and Veterinary Science.


Watch the video below or click here!

SVCTE Mechatronics Teacher Honored


Jim Burnham, SVCTE Mechatronics Engineering Instructor, was honored at the Next Flex Innovation Days symposium on August 2. Tom Pyke, a representative of Congressman Ro Khanna, presented Jim with a certificate of "Special Congressional Recognition" for his work in promoting and evangelizing the Next Flex "FlexFactor" program. 


FlexFactor is an outreach, recruitment, and STEM education program designed to familiarize K-12 students with advanced manufacturing technology, entrepreneurship, and the education and career pathways that can lead to a STEM career. The program was designed to showcase the promise of these careers and help students to develop the critical thinking, creative reasoning, and problem-solving skills needed for future success.

JEDI Partnership Breakfast at MetroED


On June 7 and August 18, Joint Venture Silicon Valley’s Lighthouse Initiative, in collaboration with MetroED, hosted a breakfast at SVCTE. The Business & Education JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Partnership Breakfast included a tour of the SVCTE facilities and an opportunity to learn how businesses and employers may best engage in creating sustainable talent pathways for all students. Click here to view more photos.

SVAE Summer School


Students attended 4-weeks of summer class programming in June. Classes included ESL Careers in Early Childhood Education Classes is a collaboration between West Valley Community College and SVAE. It offers ESL students a career pathway to quickly enter the workforce. Students earned a permit upon completion of the classes. These classes were free if students were enrolled in both West Valley Community College and SVAE High School Equivalency Class.

Meet Our New Leaders

Jeff Arnett

SVCTE Principal


Jeff is an experienced school administrator passionate about students having alternative options such as CTE. Jeff has a Bachelor’s in International Affairs and a Master’s in Education.

Lars Guntvedt

SVAE Coordinator/Assistant Principal


Lars comes to us with experience as an adult education instructor (ESL, Spanish HiSET). He’s fully bilingual in English/Spanish and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts in Communication.

Pat Werneck de Freitas

SVCTE Counseling Program Coordinator


Pat comes to us with experience as a counselor/academic advisor. She's fully multi-lingual in English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master's in Education.

MetroED Foundation Board

Save the Date: Monday, November 7


The MetroED Foundation's Inaugural Golf Tournament Putting Students First!

Benefiting Workforce Development Scholarships for MetroED Adult Learners!

  • Almaden Golf & Country Club
  • 18-hole, shotgun start, 4-person scramble tournament


Help support the Foundation by:

  • Spreading the Word
  • Registering a team 
  • Volunteering at the event 
  • Helping us identify Sponsors, Supporters & Donors
  • Reaching out to Alumni


Visit us at SVCTE Back-to-School Night on Sept. 1!

Interested in supporting click here
Join Our Team

Classified Job Fair on Sept. 24, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.


Make an impact in our high school and adult education programs. MetroED will participate in the Santa Clara County Office of Education's Classified Job Fair. Registration and information.


Those interested in the following positions should attend:

  • Paraeducators
  • Custodians
  • Clerical/Administrative Assistants
  • Maintenance Workers
  • Substitutes for the positions listed


MetroED Current Openings

View our job listings

Upcoming Dates

Sept. 1


Sept. 5


Sept. 26-30



Oct. 28-30


Nov. 11

SVCTE Back to School Night


Labor Day/Legal Holiday No Classes


Fall Break - No Classes SVCTE/SVAE 


SVCTE Haunted House


Veteran’s Day/Legal Holiday No Classes

MetroED Governing Board Updates

MetroED Governing Board Meeting


To see upcoming and past meeting minutes and agendas, please visit our Agenda Online page and access our MetroED Board Policies.


Next meeting: Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 6:00 p.m.| In-Person 

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