As 2022 comes to a close, I can’t help but reflect and be proud of the work we have done with businesses, community organizations, and our industry partners, all which continue propelling us in meeting and exceeding our mission: to prepare high school and adult students for future success in college and careers.
The fall brought many positive changes to Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) and Silicon Valley Adult Education (SVAE). There is much to look forward to in the months ahead.
Looking back, in November, we hosted a successful College and Career Fair with more than 30 partners for over 1,200 students. Partners included TESLA; Blach Construction; Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising; De Anza, Evergreen Valley, Foothill, Mission, San Jose City and West Valley community colleges; as well as military service options. Partners offered students important insight into real-world experiences.
We have been experiencing excessive requests for campus tours. Tours in the fall included Los Gatos Rotary Club, Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District counselors and administrators, and City of San Jose employees including City Manager Jennifer Maguire. Register here for a tour. Our outreach extends far beyond students who are regularly exposed to our programs. Recently our Automotive Services program hosted guest speakers from Del Grande Dealer Group, Ford, and Toyota.
In January 2023, we will offer a new Extended Learning Enrichment or Credit Recovery after school program for students in grades 10 to 12 from 4:15 to 6:15 p.m. All six classes offerings are UC ‘a-g’ approved. Learn about the program here. Also new, beginning January 2023, we will offer opportunities for districts to enroll students that live outside our traditional six district area. For more information, contact kgrewal@metroed.net
For fall 2023, will offer two new programs: Electric Vehicles/Automotive Services, Nursing Careers, and Pharmacy Technician. We will also be reopening our popular Cybersecurity program. For SVAE, we have expanded our adult education CTE options to include Fashion, Textiles and Apparel; Google Workplace Essentials and Early Childhood Education. We have also restored classes such as Medical Assistant Back Office, Medical Terminology, and Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning. Click here for more course information.
Of course, this impact can also only continue with ongoing support from our districts and the community. Do you want to make a difference in the lives of our students? You can support the students and teachers of the district in many ways, including offering internships, job shadowing, and mentoring; donating equipment and funds; establishing a scholarship; and so much more. Check out all the ways you can help here.
With 2023 right around the corner, I can’t wait to see how our community helps our students grow and flourish in the year ahead. Until then, we express deep gratitude and wish everyone happy holidays and best wishes for 2023!