As the end of the school year approaches, I find myself being reflective and looking forward to celebrating our successes. It is especially important to acknowledge this year's triumphs with all we have overcome with remote work, virtual teaching, and learning.
This month we will celebrate our outstanding staff with Teacher & Certificated Staff Week, Classified Employee Appreciation Week, and our Celebrating Every Employee Recognition event. We are incredibly proud of all our employees in our district. We thank each for supporting students in their paths to success. Their efforts are especially notable given this extraordinary school year!
We will continue the celebrations with our SVCTE Student Awards Ceremonies on May 21st and our SVAE Graduation on May 28th, where we will acknowledge the hard work of our students.
Let us also celebrate that as a community, Santa Clara County has reached another incredible milestone: Over one (1) million people in Santa Clara County, 16 years and older, have now received at least one vaccine dose.
As we start to return to some sense of normalcy, please continue to stay safe and get vaccinated. Our future is looking bright. I am excited about all its possibilities.
Alyssa Lynch
MetroED Board Updates
Metropolitan Education Governing Board agenda posts on our website 72 hours before a meeting. Please refer to the meeting agenda for times for any scheduled Work Study Session, Closed Session, or Open Session.
Next meeting: Wednesday, May 12 at 6:00 p.m.
Join the Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 898 3539 2559 | Passcode: 524302
May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
On April 14, MetroED joined many other school districts in passing a Resolution condemning hatred, xenophobia, harassment, and violence towards people of Asian ancestry and commits to creating a supportive, inclusive culture that fully embraces students of Asian descent. Our job at MetroED is to make every student, staff, and family member feel welcome.
Join the MetroED Foundation
The MetroED Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports MetroED and its students. We’ve earned the GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency and membership in the Global Giving, Benevity, and AmazonSmile communities. We are quickly evolving to raise awareness of Career Technical Education at MetroED and unite financial and community resources to provide scholarships to deserving students who would otherwise be unable to attend MetroED. We also plan to re-unite the over 45,000 MetroED alumni and organize their support for our mission.
We are actively seeking a new President, Treasurer, a Fundraising Committee Chairperson, and volunteers to actively serve on our committees. All board members are volunteers with a passion for MetroED and workforce development.
Experience is helpful but not required. Knowledge or work experience in the areas taught at MetroED would be helpful, as would experience working with nonprofits or in the education field. We welcome help with our website, fundraising, community/alumni outreach, creating public relations tools, and more.
Learn more about the MetroED Foundation at If you can help us, contact Jim Stoch at or 408-761-7084. On behalf of our students, faculty, and hard-working MetroED staff and MetroED Foundation Board.
- May 4 | Teacher & Certificated Appreciation Lunch
- May 12 | Board Meeting
- May 18 | Classified Appreciation Lunch
- May 19 | Celebrating Every Employee Recognition
- May 21 | SVCTE Awards Ceremony
- May 28 | SVAE Graduation
- May 31 | Memorial Day Holiday - Campus Closed
- July 5 | Independence Day Observed - Campus Closed
- July 6 - July 29 | SVAE Summer School
Silicon Valley Adult Education Highlights Fernando Ramirez
Silicon Valley AE student Fernando Ramirez had been pondering the idea of going back to school and finishing his classes for nearly 20 years. As a young man, he enjoyed going to school, but Fernando knew his education needed to be put on hold so he could work and help contribute to his family.
Returning to school during a pandemic was a difficult decision for Fernando. “At first it felt intimidating being on Zoom and not being in the classroom,” Fernando said. His first class at SVAE was with Ms. Arezoo Miller, High School Equivalency Teacher. Fernando said, "Ms. Miller was the first teacher that made me feel like I could accomplish anything."
Derek Tach, SkillsUSA State Parliamentarian
SVCTE Students Win Top Medals at SkillsUSA State Competition
Join us in celebrating the success of these outstanding Silicon Valley CTE students who participated in the SkillsUSA competition. SkillsUSA Championships showcase the best
career and technical education students in the nation. Contests begin locally and continue through the state and national levels. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. While being a high school organization that typically functions completely in-person, students seamlessly transitioned into a virtual setting. Students expressed that they have learned invaluable lessons.
Derek Tach, a current SVCTE, and Evergreen Valley High School student, served as Parliamentarian on the 2020-2021 SkillsUSA State Leadership Team. He has a background in computer science and computer programming. He enjoys mobile app design and robotics. He shared that he loves the work of CTE courses because they introduce untraditional ways of career-driven education for students.
If you would like to support these and other students, donate now.
Foothill College DentalStudents Presents to SVCTE Students
On April 14, SVCTE's Dental Assisting students virtually hosted Foothill College's Dental Hygiene students. Students learned about Foothill's program and the next steps to becoming a dental hygienist. Presentations and a speaker panel included students and members of the Allied Health CTE Certifications program. Foothill's Dual Enrollment Coordinator, Alejandro Favela attended as well.
Silicon Valley Adult Education
Summer Courses Coming Soon
SVAE will offer four weeks of summer school classes beginning July 6 - July 29 for including continuing education, career field training, and job readiness skills.
Classes will be held Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m and 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. For more information on the summer course offerings visit or call 408-723-6450.
MetroED and SVAE Celebrated Adult Education Week April 19-23
MetroED and SVAE recognized the efforts, persistence, and accomplishments of teachers and students. Their successful examples of collective impact shape our communities.
Metropolitan Education District (MetroED) is working to gain a better understanding of how our website, is being utilized. This includes our SVCTE and SVAE sites. The survey will assist us in redesigning our website.
Thank you in advance for your feedback completing this short, five-minute survey and for assisting us in making our website more useful, easier to navigate, and a better experience for our visitors.