• Metropolitan Education District strives to keep our families and community members up-to-date on happenings in our District. Please review our various publications to find out more information about our talented students and staff, ongoing initiatives, events, important dates, and much more. 

    Career Technical Education News

    Our monthly CTE newsletter highlights district initiatives, student and staff achievements, fun events, and more. Our newsletter is distributed monthly via email to subscribed families and community members.

    News to Share?

    Please email to share stories or fun events at schools throughout the District.


  • May/June 2024 CTE Newsletter

    May/June 2024 CTE Newsletter

    As I greet you today, this will be my final newsletter as Superintendent of Metropolitan Education District. Thank you for your readership. Throughout the years, many people have shared with me that they read our newsletter. Knowing we reached you always touched my heart.

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  • March/April 2024 CTE Newsletter

    March/April 2024 CTE Newsletter

    In this month’s newsletter, we're thrilled to highlight the outstanding achievements of our students, the innovation of our programs, and the dedication of our staff at Silicon Valley Career Technical Education center (SVCTE) and Silicon Valley Adult Education (SVAE).

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  • February 2024 CTE Newsletter

    February 2024 CTE Newsletter

    This month, Metropolitan Education District (MetroED) is embarking on a journey of celebration and appreciation for Career and Technical Education (CTE).

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  • Nov/Dec 2023 CTE Newsletter

    Nov/Dec 2023 CTE Newsletter

    As the sun sets for 2023, I want to acknowledge the students, staff, and programs that helped us rise and shine in our Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) center and the Silicon Valley Adult Education (SVAE) programs in this first semester.   

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