- MetroED
- Mission & Vision
Metropolitan Education District (MetroED) prepares high school and adult students for future success in college and careers.
Metropolitan Education District will provide hands-on, life-changing experiences which ignite the passion of our community of learners.
Core Values
The Metropolitan Education District values... (not in priority order)
- Respect
- Student-focus
- Accountability
- Cutting-edge programs
- Honesty and integrity
- Being community-oriented
- Teamwork
Priority Goals, Objectives, & Measurables (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023)
- Health and wellness of the organization
- Attract, develop and retain high-quality staff
- Increase enrollment to 1,500 for SVCTE and 1,000 for SVAE
- Achieve financial stability and sustainability
- Increase organizational effectiveness & efficiency