• May/June 2024 CTE Newsletter

    May/June 2024 CTE Newsletter

    As I greet you today, this will be my final newsletter as Superintendent of Metropolitan Education District. Thank you for your readership. Throughout the years, many people have shared with me that they read our newsletter. Knowing we reached you always touched my heart.

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  • March/April 2024 CTE Newsletter

    March/April 2024 CTE Newsletter

    In this month’s newsletter, we're thrilled to highlight the outstanding achievements of our students, the innovation of our programs, and the dedication of our staff at Silicon Valley Career Technical Education center (SVCTE) and Silicon Valley Adult Education (SVAE).

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  • February 2024 CTE Newsletter

    February 2024 CTE Newsletter

    This month, Metropolitan Education District (MetroED) is embarking on a journey of celebration and appreciation for Career and Technical Education (CTE).

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  • Nov/Dec 2023 CTE Newsletter

    Nov/Dec 2023 CTE Newsletter

    As the sun sets for 2023, I want to acknowledge the students, staff, and programs that helped us rise and shine in our Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) center and the Silicon Valley Adult Education (SVAE) programs in this first semester.   

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  • October 2023 CTE Newsletter

    October 2023 CTE Newsletter

    For years Metropolitan Education District (MetroED) has been known as the hidden gem of Silicon Valley. But this phrase is no longer applicable as the community at large is shining a spotlight on what we do for our students through our high school and adult programs: Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) center and Silicon Valley Adult Education (SVAE).

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  • 2023 September CTE Newsletter

    2023 September CTE Newsletter

    For many years, MetroED was a hidden gem in Silicon Valley. But our visibility and the importance of what we do continues to be recognized.

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  •  MetroED News

    2023 August CTE Newsletter

    The new school year is up-and-running and it is an exciting time to be a part of the Metropolitan Education District (MetroED). Programming has expanded in both our Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) Center and Silicon Valley Adult Education (SVAE).

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  •  MetroED News

    2023 May/June CTE Newsletter

    May was a race to the finish line. It was full of festivities and accomplishments during the final days of the 2022-2023 school year for the Metropolitan Education District.

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  • April 2023 CTE Newsletter

    April 2023 CTE Newsletter

    It has been said that positivity is contagious. If you look at MetroED and our Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) and Silicon Valley Adult Education (SVAE) programs, you see this ring true in the many celebrations, activities, and acknowledgements that have been happening throughout the school year.

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  • March 2023 CTE Newsletter

    March 2023 CTE Newsletter

    Spring is in the air. Not only are the flowers blooming, but our students are flourishing with growth as they continue their journey through our programs

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  •  MetroED News Header

    February 2023 CTE Newsletter

    February is the nationwide celebration of Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month®, which raises awareness of the role of career and technical education in readying students for college and career success.

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  • #GivingTuesday


    This year, we are participating in the #GivingTuesday campaign, a movement created in 2012 that has grown to inspire hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity!

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  • December 2022 CTE Newsletter

    December 2022 CTE Newsletter

    As 2022 comes to a close, I can’t help but reflect and be proud of the work we have done with businesses, community organizations, and our industry partners, all which continue propelling us in meeting and exceeding our mission: to prepare high school and adult students for future success in college and careers. 

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  • October 2022 CTE Newsletter

    October 2022 CTE Newsletter

    Regardless of what sector you work in, employees are the lifeblood of your organization. And just like any athletic team, you win together or you lose together.

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  •  SVCTE and SVAE Students

    MetroED Tours

    We invite you to come to visit the wonderful work that is being done at Metropolitan Education District's Silicon Valley Career Technical Education Center (SVCTE) and Silicon Valley Adult Education programs by scheduling a tour during one of the upcoming dates and times.

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  • September 2022 CTE Newsletter

    September 2022 CTE Newsletter

    We are FALLing into the groove of a new school year, and there is so much to be excited about. MetroED operates more than 20 successful high school CTE classes and a high-caliber Adult Education program. MetroED has a long history of deep roots in San Jose

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  • August 2022 CTE Newsletter

    August 2022 CTE Newsletter

    I would like to welcome everyone to the 2022-23 school year and extend a special welcome to all our new students and their families. The opening of the new school year was very smooth.

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  • May 2022 CTE Newsletter

    May 2022 CTE Newsletter

    The end of the year is here, and I am incredibly proud to see high school and adult education students complete their programs. May is the time of year we acknowledge our outstanding students. In this issue, we celebrate the accomplishments of our SVAE graduates and our outstanding SVCTE students.

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  •  MetroED News

    March CTE Newsletter

    Spring is officially here! It has been just over two years since COVID turned our lives upside down. We are slowly finding a new normal. We won't leave the virus behind; instead, we learn to live with it.

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  • February CTE Newsletter

    February CTE Newsletter

    CTE Month is officially here! February is my favorite month because MetroED celebrates Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, a national initiative recognizing CTE programs and highlighting CTE teachers and students.

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  • January 2022 CTE Newsletter

    January 2022 CTE Newsletter

    As a new year begins, we challenge ourselves to new opportunities, whether it's learning something new or conquering new goals. I look forward to our continued partnership, celebrating successes, and advancing efforts that help our students thrive.

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  • November/December 2021 CTE  Newsletter

    November/December 2021 CTE Newsletter

    In this newsletter, you will find information from our December 8 Governing Board meeting, MetroED news and highlights, new staff introductions, upcoming event dates, and ways you can support MetroED during the holiday season.

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  •  MetroED News

    September 2021 CTE Newsletter

    Read about September 2021 CTE Newsletter

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  •  MetroED News

    May 2021 CTE Newsletter

    Read about May 2021 CTE Newsletter

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  •  MetroED News

    April 2021 CTE Newsletter

    Read about April 2021 CTE Newsletter

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